dijous, 18 de febrer del 2010

Who loves nature?

Nobody respects the environment so there will be a serious problem in the next few years. Unfortunately there are only the 20 per cent ofrenewable energy. Also people contribute to increase the air pullution with the exhaust fumes. These attitudes can produce the climate change and consequently the species will be die out.
From my point of view Acid rain is the worst problem which damage the buildings and the other species of animals.

Even though people can damage the habitats the ozone layer, in developing countries the pollution is smaller than developed countries. For example we couldn't imageine the high quantity of harmful chemicals or the smogs which produce the USA factories.

Menawhile, people don't respect the environtment. In my family we are farmers but is not exactly the same I respect nature each moment moreover I love pictures from the National Geographic about the wild animals, the beatiful rainsforests in Japan, the waterfulls, the deserts, different cultures people. I really love it!

Whereas when I go to Barcelona I become very sad when I see the smogs the main reason why in this city rains so often. It produces acid rain which destroys calacarian buildings. To reduce pollution would I advice to discuss people the problems and then I hope the efforts of Greenhouse effect will change these narrow minds of the unrespectable people.

It's an important challenge so I think everybody would like to wake up in the sun with their partnets, or going to a picknic in the forest with thier families or enjoy the silence of a waterfull in the middle of a rainforest alone. Who doesn't love it?

Please respect the nature! ;) Byee

1 comentari:

Uri ha dit...

How right are you Fran... I hate the cities too.

CU in class!