dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010

The fear of selectivity

Why nearly nobody fails?
Every year people who arrives to June without feeling one subject have a short period of time to prepare the PAU tests to go to the university. However the reason why I'm talking about this issue is because I don't understand why only fail it few people. Many people said it isn't too difficult but in that moment with the nervous everything is possible.
For the moment I can't imagine that day, and when I try to do that I become very worried. I know I am worried everytime XD but is how I am!
So I hope won't have any problems one of the most important days of my short life.

Basically there are only two subjects which worry me too much, they are English and Phylosophy so I hope to prepare myself hard. Moreover, chemistry which isn't easy is very umpredictable subeject with a coupple of strange exercices. I talk to my parents, however they don't rely on me. Normally for the Batxillerat exams I only sleep five hours nearly if I don't prepare it before consequently I don't imagine the afternoon before the selectivity exam.

In the tests we will do five subjects minimum and eight maximum, three of them of private election. Even thouhg poeple are very shy I know that if I don't study one month before I won't pass the exams. I don't understand why people said me that I'm very pessimistic but I am realistic.

Another subject which worries me a lot is Earth Science because is only for people who have a clever mind.

I think the exams will do in IES Ramon Muntaner in the centre of Figueres a nice place to do this type of exams. In general I should write more letters to and try to enjoy the authors of Phylosophy.


1 comentari:

Lau!* ha dit...

Fran , you always think about exams, exams and exams, ENJOY YOUR LIFE! TAKE IT EASY. I think that Philosophy and English won’t be difficult, and the selectivity exam will be easy instead of chemistry I’m sure that it will be very difficult.