In my opinion The best oral presentation I have done was made during the trip to London this year with my friend Jake Bridges. There we have many resources which contributed to improve the oral like the red telephone boxes, the taxi cabs. I think is not the same to do an oral in a different location as many poeple have done. I chosed this evidence because is a wonderfull memory which I never forget, the trip to London.
From my point of view the best written evidence is that:
I choosed this written evidence because is one of my last composition this year and I thought it Would be one of my bests accodirng to my level and related to the structure content, vocabulary. I was decided to talk about Descartes because is a philosopher so this subject is one of my preferences. Despite is a diffcult task to study them, is more interesting than many people say. There, I was talked about his thinking way and his point of view in the life.
In conclusion I think the cause which produced an improvement on me is the behaviour of our english teachers who everymoment were adding extra work. This is the correct way to steps to success. Also, my sacrificated task in this language can contribute to increase my marks. Finally I have no doubt that these high marks never couldn't be possible without the support of the teachers. Thank you Sonia for all your efforts ;)
dijous, 13 de maig del 2010
My english progress
I detect a clear improvement in my compositions which are rather correct and structured than last year. In my first document , an e-mail byt the teacher I didn't have enough experience. In the last composition I have done I was decided to talk about René Descartes. In most of our last compositions we can see easily the improvement we have delevoped on occount of the knowledge we recieved by the english teachers in these two years.
The evidence of the differences between both shows that I have learn more about the structure of the compositions. In the first composition I have made by the period of batxillerat I was empty of resources so I was using very poor vocabulary. Many "buts" instead of Nevertheless, however, in spite of, Even though, ...etc. The length of them is also a fact which I have developed, as a result, now I write more paragraphs as well as a better fluence in sonme texts.
In The first oral presentation I was talked about the football world, concretly about the european competitions such as the Champions league, the world cup and more. However now, form my point of view I improved a bit even though I'm still nervous. The last oral, I was talked about my own research work whose topic is the diabetis, one of the horrible sickness. The language I have used is more specificic that in the last year. In this amount of documents I can see a development, of course, with a lot of hours of work diary work, doing the blogger. This is the best way to learn.
The evidence of the differences between both shows that I have learn more about the structure of the compositions. In the first composition I have made by the period of batxillerat I was empty of resources so I was using very poor vocabulary. Many "buts" instead of Nevertheless, however, in spite of, Even though, ...etc. The length of them is also a fact which I have developed, as a result, now I write more paragraphs as well as a better fluence in sonme texts.
In The first oral presentation I was talked about the football world, concretly about the european competitions such as the Champions league, the world cup and more. However now, form my point of view I improved a bit even though I'm still nervous. The last oral, I was talked about my own research work whose topic is the diabetis, one of the horrible sickness. The language I have used is more specificic that in the last year. In this amount of documents I can see a development, of course, with a lot of hours of work diary work, doing the blogger. This is the best way to learn.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
English progress,
final reflection
dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010
'Green' exercise quickly 'boosts mental health'

Once in a while I want to stay alone in a forest or a lake, it produces a specific type of pleasure on me which contibute to boost my mind. Besides, maybe there are many people who look for a hidden location separated of other society.
Healthy doctors just recently said this task is full of benefits to improve the strees situtions. Just five minutes of exercise near a park or a lake can boost mental health. Lastly, researchers looked at evidence was found some improvements on mood and self -esteem.
The research include many different activities like cycling, walking, fishing, farming...
The most effects would seen in only five minutes. We can also go to rural sones where also we can enjoy the nature, the animals and some thing that now are difficult to find.
The posiutive effects were clarly apparent but of a smaller magnitude.
Is evident that now the new trend is the green exercise that in the next few years perhaps will be accepted for most of us. Police recomendations are often discussed to solve the mental health problems so many people prefer relax himself. This is another benefit which produce the nature on the society that shows the magic task it do sometimes.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Last New,
third term
dilluns, 10 de maig del 2010
BBC Sport

Wayne Rooney who is a fantastic player of the "Red Devils", has injured himself playing against Stoke city in the last match of this season that already has finished. Therefore, perhaps Ronney won't go to the next announcement of england's national team. However, his manager Sir Alex Ferguson said that he could be in the next Capello announcement seeing that he thinks the injure isn't too serious.
Even though the injury, Rooney is able to go this summer to South Africa. Besides, he was probably sad because he lost Golden Boot award instead of Drogba who scored two goals more than him.
In my opinion next summer Spanish team will win the Cup, I'm not a patriothic guy so is my own opinion because our national team is full of players who won many trophies and they have more experience than the others.
Related to the people who want the Golden Boot, Leo Messi is on the top with thirty two goals. In fact, there are many people who think Messi is the best of all players, nevertheless I think he is too well talked about on the media, there is too much talk about him being the best player in the world but i think that they go over the top.
In Barça's interests, there are players such as Drogba or Rooney...
dissabte, 8 de maig del 2010
The beekeper
Frankie Simpson
Castelló d' Empúries
17486 7 Rentador street
Dear Laura, Iwas thinking about you since last summer when we were discussing about books and other stories related to the most important agricultors around Catalunya.
I'm interested to explain you a disaster that happened in my village where a beekepere was working a beehive and was attacked by the bees. In spite of the fact that the doctors thought it wasn't dangerous, the beekeper became ill owing to the big quantity of toxic substances that he could have in his stomach.
Furthermore his family not even knew about the disaster so it was terrible. Perhaps yoy want to know exactly how he died therefore now I will explain it to you. He was in the farm, looking for hooney and then, two minutes later he was attacked by twenty worker bees, as a result, his body was completely swolled. Unfortunately in this moment nobody was in the farm so he died in only ten minutes.
Among all the beekepers ten per cent suffer problems of this kind. It was a terrifying ending.
Castelló d' Empúries
17486 7 Rentador street
Dear Laura, Iwas thinking about you since last summer when we were discussing about books and other stories related to the most important agricultors around Catalunya.
I'm interested to explain you a disaster that happened in my village where a beekepere was working a beehive and was attacked by the bees. In spite of the fact that the doctors thought it wasn't dangerous, the beekeper became ill owing to the big quantity of toxic substances that he could have in his stomach.
Furthermore his family not even knew about the disaster so it was terrible. Perhaps yoy want to know exactly how he died therefore now I will explain it to you. He was in the farm, looking for hooney and then, two minutes later he was attacked by twenty worker bees, as a result, his body was completely swolled. Unfortunately in this moment nobody was in the farm so he died in only ten minutes.
Among all the beekepers ten per cent suffer problems of this kind. It was a terrifying ending.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3erd term,
formal letter.
dijous, 6 de maig del 2010
Opinion essay
Nowadays, there is a tremendous confusion about what the mind-body therapies are among the popullation. Despite there are many hidden healers I think in our country a lot of people believe in this kind of therapies whereas other people say that they are a waste of time. In my opinion, they can produce on someone real benefits related to the relax or concentration.
Firstly, I believe the mind depends only on how we used before. For instance, is not a lie that If you go to a therapy like yoga, you will have a clear mind. However, sometimes we can't achieve our challenges or find pleasure through those therapies.
Besides this is a difficult issue to talk because perhaps there are an amountof different views. Nevertheless, seeing that there aren't hard problems among people who are stilling yoga or relaxation, I conclude this isn't dangerous.
Furthermore, apart from these opinions, many people show that all of us are fortunately full of benefits in this matter. Hopefully, the results are better than anybody could imagine. These type of experiments with our bodies have done in order to finish with our stressful lifestyles. In conclusion, there is no doubt that this kind of therapies contribute to increase the pleasure among all of us.
Firstly, I believe the mind depends only on how we used before. For instance, is not a lie that If you go to a therapy like yoga, you will have a clear mind. However, sometimes we can't achieve our challenges or find pleasure through those therapies.
Besides this is a difficult issue to talk because perhaps there are an amountof different views. Nevertheless, seeing that there aren't hard problems among people who are stilling yoga or relaxation, I conclude this isn't dangerous.
Furthermore, apart from these opinions, many people show that all of us are fortunately full of benefits in this matter. Hopefully, the results are better than anybody could imagine. These type of experiments with our bodies have done in order to finish with our stressful lifestyles. In conclusion, there is no doubt that this kind of therapies contribute to increase the pleasure among all of us.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
last term,
Writing exam
diumenge, 2 de maig del 2010
René Descartes

I was decided to write about the ideas which has had this witty phylosopher called René Descartes who was born in France at the sixteenth century.
According to René all the wishes that we could have is some moments of our lifes can be reduced by the power of the mind. For this reason he considered that the mind was the main part od the body which controlls all the sitation and the accions we can do.
On the whole, this author must had a doubt to recognize the real life and the dreams.
Therefore he was decided to doubt about the information that he was recieved through the sense. Moreover there was a moment when he decided to doubt about everything.
However, this isn't a good alternative so he admitted that if he thinks, he exists. These is the most important sentence in his phylosophy. He concluded that there was nothing more easy to know than his own spirit. He was a racionalist, who said that mathematic method was the best to arrive at succes.
Related to God, he reduced the power of gold among the society, however this witty task was too dangerous in that moments so he needed to be hidden by his friends in Holland. Even though he was reduced his power he didn't refuse his existence perhaps because this thing could be caused too problems.
Agains this fabulous author there was other english empirits such as David Hume who believed in the expierence much more that in the reason of our minds.
In my opinion, René Descartes was an impressive witty person who was decided to disucss the problems related to Gold in a problematic society. Despite it seems to has more reason the empirists I think the exeperience is not enough to do a task.
My favourite author is without any doubt Friedrich Nietzsche who is also the most recent.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
1st post,
third term
Sorry, blame it on me
As life goes on I’m starting to learn more and more about ........
I realize everything I do is affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to apologize for things I have done
And things that have not occurred yet
And the things they don’t want to take responsibility for
I’m sorry for the times I left you home
I was on the road and you were .......
I’m sorry for the times that I had to go
I’m sorry for the fact that I did not know
That you were sitting home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I’m sorry for the times I would .......
I’m sorry for the times I ........
I’m sorry for the wrong things that I’ve done
I’m sorry I’m not always there for my son
I’m sorry for the fact that I'm not ........
That you can’t sleep at night when I am not there
Because I am in the streets like everyday
Sorry for the things that I did not say
Like how you are the best thing in my world
And how I'm so ....... to call you my girl
I understand that there are some problems
And I am not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show
If I can apologize for being .....
Then it’s just a shame on me
I’ll be the reason for your pain and you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me [4x]
Said you can put the blame on me [3x]
You can put the blame on me
Sorry for the things that he put you through
And all the times you didn’t know what to do
Sorry that you had to go and sell those packs
Just trying to stay busy till you heard from Dad
And you would rather be home with all your ......
As one big family with love and bliss
And even though Pops treated us like kings
He got a second wife and you didn’t agree
He got up and left you there all alone
I’m sorry that you had to do it on your own
I’m sorry that I went and added to your .......
I’m sorry that your son was once a .......
I’m sorry that I grew up way too fast
I wish I would’ve listened and not be so bad
I’m sorry your life turned out this way
I’m sorry that the FEDS came and took me away
I’m sorry that it took so long to see
They were dead wrong trying to put it on me
I’m sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani
I’m sorry for the hand that she was dealt
For the embarrassment that she felt
Just a little young girl trying to have fun
Her daddy should never let her out that young
I’m sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they manage better next time around
How was I to know she was underage
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesn’t anybody wanna take blame
Verizon backed out disgracing my name
I’m just a singer trying to entertain
Because I love my fans I’ll take that blame
Even though the blame’s on you [3x]
I’ll take that blame from you
And you can put that blame on me [2x]
You can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
I realize everything I do is affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to apologize for things I have done
And things that have not occurred yet
And the things they don’t want to take responsibility for
I’m sorry for the times I left you home
I was on the road and you were .......
I’m sorry for the times that I had to go
I’m sorry for the fact that I did not know
That you were sitting home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I’m sorry for the times I would .......
I’m sorry for the times I ........
I’m sorry for the wrong things that I’ve done
I’m sorry I’m not always there for my son
I’m sorry for the fact that I'm not ........
That you can’t sleep at night when I am not there
Because I am in the streets like everyday
Sorry for the things that I did not say
Like how you are the best thing in my world
And how I'm so ....... to call you my girl
I understand that there are some problems
And I am not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show
If I can apologize for being .....
Then it’s just a shame on me
I’ll be the reason for your pain and you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me [4x]
Said you can put the blame on me [3x]
You can put the blame on me
Sorry for the things that he put you through
And all the times you didn’t know what to do
Sorry that you had to go and sell those packs
Just trying to stay busy till you heard from Dad
And you would rather be home with all your ......
As one big family with love and bliss
And even though Pops treated us like kings
He got a second wife and you didn’t agree
He got up and left you there all alone
I’m sorry that you had to do it on your own
I’m sorry that I went and added to your .......
I’m sorry that your son was once a .......
I’m sorry that I grew up way too fast
I wish I would’ve listened and not be so bad
I’m sorry your life turned out this way
I’m sorry that the FEDS came and took me away
I’m sorry that it took so long to see
They were dead wrong trying to put it on me
I’m sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani
I’m sorry for the hand that she was dealt
For the embarrassment that she felt
Just a little young girl trying to have fun
Her daddy should never let her out that young
I’m sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they manage better next time around
How was I to know she was underage
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesn’t anybody wanna take blame
Verizon backed out disgracing my name
I’m just a singer trying to entertain
Because I love my fans I’ll take that blame
Even though the blame’s on you [3x]
I’ll take that blame from you
And you can put that blame on me [2x]
You can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
Description of a person
She is particulary cheerful among all of us, also I often say that she get a big influence of the most known phylosopher Friedrich Nietzsche because she wants to live raising limits. However, occasionally she has a strong personality so be careful if she has strange day. ;)
One thing that I really like about her is that I can have a conversation talking about anything. Seeing that this year she sits beside be I knew much more about her life,feelings. Physically, she is rather preety, recently she changed her hair's colour, in my opinion, now she is more attractive. Besides, she has an ill-tempered chararcter.
Within a long time we went together to the school in Castelló, beatiful memories. Once in a while, we meet toether for study hard, so even though she has some problems whit chemistry or catalan, she is more clever that everybody knows consequently I have no doubt that she will achieve her future challenges.
One of the reasons why I envy her is because she set out to be a doctor or other jobs related to biotechnology so she need a high mark.I never can't done it because the battle with my own nerves probably will overcome me.
Sometimes she seems to be a bit crazy, however I really think she is a charming women so she isn't selfish like I said many times in class. In general she is extroverted, kind but she isn't fit enough yet :), however we will go together to the gym to solve this little problem. kisses...
One thing that I really like about her is that I can have a conversation talking about anything. Seeing that this year she sits beside be I knew much more about her life,feelings. Physically, she is rather preety, recently she changed her hair's colour, in my opinion, now she is more attractive. Besides, she has an ill-tempered chararcter.
Within a long time we went together to the school in Castelló, beatiful memories. Once in a while, we meet toether for study hard, so even though she has some problems whit chemistry or catalan, she is more clever that everybody knows consequently I have no doubt that she will achieve her future challenges.
One of the reasons why I envy her is because she set out to be a doctor or other jobs related to biotechnology so she need a high mark.I never can't done it because the battle with my own nerves probably will overcome me.
Sometimes she seems to be a bit crazy, however I really think she is a charming women so she isn't selfish like I said many times in class. In general she is extroverted, kind but she isn't fit enough yet :), however we will go together to the gym to solve this little problem. kisses...
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Description of a person,
third term
dimarts, 27 d’abril del 2010
Narrative text: .Write about a holiday when everything went wrong. Write an old story, you can invent ( aobut dreams).
. Conditional, passive, When I was young..., There was a terryfing history that seems...
. Use modal phrasal verbs. Connectors like: Firstly, secondly.
An Opinion essay:That consists on give your opinion about one sentence or question, not discuss a topic.
. Give many examples in favour of your opinion, recognize some things agianst and give examples about the topic that had happened before in your country. Use links or connectos like even though, although, owing to, due to, besides.
Informal letter: Write a letter to your freind or a parent explaining your own experience in the new place or the task that you are doing.
Use a lot of expressions, phrasal verbs like looking for, wake up, throw away and many adjectives desciibing places. IN formal language.
. The writer's adress at the right and finally you can write kisses.
Formal letter: Consists on write a letter to an unknown person, or asking for information, is more serious that informal letter, to apply a job.
Use specific words, formal language.
Dicussion essay:
Give Ideas fora and against the argument.
Write four paragraphs including the introduction and the conclusion.
Use useful expressions, give both sides of the argument. Personal expressions: I believe that..., personally, my opinion is that, in my point of view...
Description af a person:
Use rather, quite, extremely, particulary...
In fact, similarly...
Use a lot of adjectives. Moreover use different paragraphs to describe different aspects of the person. Include your own feelings.
Description of a place:
The same form, however you can use differetn adverbs about place writing sentences like: It's a great area if you like..., I hate this area... Use connectores, of course.
Biography: Include basic information also a lot of details, Make arguments about the significate of the person's accomplishments or life activities. Obligate use of the past time and say where he/she was born and where she died.
A dialogue: The purpose of the dialogue should be clear in the first few lines. Decide how the dialogue will end before you writing, Include all the questions you would imagine. Basically, use colloquial language. Useful expressions: OK, go on, well..., tha's right, it's over men... come on!, That depends.
make suggestions and purposes and expres preferences.
. Conditional, passive, When I was young..., There was a terryfing history that seems...
. Use modal phrasal verbs. Connectors like: Firstly, secondly.
An Opinion essay:That consists on give your opinion about one sentence or question, not discuss a topic.
. Give many examples in favour of your opinion, recognize some things agianst and give examples about the topic that had happened before in your country. Use links or connectos like even though, although, owing to, due to, besides.
Informal letter: Write a letter to your freind or a parent explaining your own experience in the new place or the task that you are doing.
Use a lot of expressions, phrasal verbs like looking for, wake up, throw away and many adjectives desciibing places. IN formal language.
. The writer's adress at the right and finally you can write kisses.
Formal letter: Consists on write a letter to an unknown person, or asking for information, is more serious that informal letter, to apply a job.
Use specific words, formal language.
Dicussion essay:
Give Ideas fora and against the argument.
Write four paragraphs including the introduction and the conclusion.
Use useful expressions, give both sides of the argument. Personal expressions: I believe that..., personally, my opinion is that, in my point of view...
Description af a person:
Use rather, quite, extremely, particulary...
In fact, similarly...
Use a lot of adjectives. Moreover use different paragraphs to describe different aspects of the person. Include your own feelings.
Description of a place:
The same form, however you can use differetn adverbs about place writing sentences like: It's a great area if you like..., I hate this area... Use connectores, of course.
Biography: Include basic information also a lot of details, Make arguments about the significate of the person's accomplishments or life activities. Obligate use of the past time and say where he/she was born and where she died.
A dialogue: The purpose of the dialogue should be clear in the first few lines. Decide how the dialogue will end before you writing, Include all the questions you would imagine. Basically, use colloquial language. Useful expressions: OK, go on, well..., tha's right, it's over men... come on!, That depends.
make suggestions and purposes and expres preferences.
diumenge, 25 d’abril del 2010
Argumentative issue for and against live in the city or in the country
There are many parts of our planet where nobody arrived yet. Consequently I think that we had more fortune than other people who are living under hard and inhumane conditions. However, there are also a lot of people who aren't happy with their social position. For instance, my ancestors were the typical sheperds or farmers that everybody can imagine, they were poor, silly( of course)without knowledge of anyway because they never went to the school.
For this amount of reasons I won't critizice my own origins but recognize that is the worst method. People who live in the country are particulary limitated to work in the land or with animals. Even though it is a sad kind to life, in my opinion there are some arguments in favour that can change our points of views in this matter. Recently, in a study published by the Spanish dialy "El País", people who are in the country must be help you in case you have a problem, they are more optimistic. Certainly I'm proud to know what were my ancestors, I think they are humble. Despite, this people aren't witty, they can be self-suficient so they could survive in extrem situations such as without resources.
In the city people have an opposite view of everything. Their behave are sometimes inhuman, selfish. In cities people are developing their lifestyles in order to achieve an important work in the future. Despite is a positive attitude, this kind of life is also worse than seems. For instance, In Barcelona some factories produce exhaust fumes that can produce the photoquimical smog which is dangerous in high concentration. Besides, the summer sun contributes to damage the air pollution. Furthermore, this situation could get worse if someone suffer asmatic problems. Among all the disatvantges, cities are the main places where robbers have their task in better conditions, stealing suitcases or bags basically to the old people.
Barcelona, for example, is a place where foreign poeple who come from Rumania ( I'm not a racist) are always looking for a person who is absent-minded. Towards the benefits obviously people have more oportunities to achieve teir challenges or step to success. Although is a paradise for people who take drugs and an amount or problems related to criminal ideas, is also the place where the most important events happen.
Seeing that is cities people are full of problems and they suffer an stressful lifestyle, my opinion in that in the country you can enjoy the silence and learn methods to be self-suficient or survive in case you have a problem. For this amount of reasons my conclusion is that cities can turn crazy our minds so the best solution is the country.
For this amount of reasons I won't critizice my own origins but recognize that is the worst method. People who live in the country are particulary limitated to work in the land or with animals. Even though it is a sad kind to life, in my opinion there are some arguments in favour that can change our points of views in this matter. Recently, in a study published by the Spanish dialy "El País", people who are in the country must be help you in case you have a problem, they are more optimistic. Certainly I'm proud to know what were my ancestors, I think they are humble. Despite, this people aren't witty, they can be self-suficient so they could survive in extrem situations such as without resources.
In the city people have an opposite view of everything. Their behave are sometimes inhuman, selfish. In cities people are developing their lifestyles in order to achieve an important work in the future. Despite is a positive attitude, this kind of life is also worse than seems. For instance, In Barcelona some factories produce exhaust fumes that can produce the photoquimical smog which is dangerous in high concentration. Besides, the summer sun contributes to damage the air pollution. Furthermore, this situation could get worse if someone suffer asmatic problems. Among all the disatvantges, cities are the main places where robbers have their task in better conditions, stealing suitcases or bags basically to the old people.
Barcelona, for example, is a place where foreign poeple who come from Rumania ( I'm not a racist) are always looking for a person who is absent-minded. Towards the benefits obviously people have more oportunities to achieve teir challenges or step to success. Although is a paradise for people who take drugs and an amount or problems related to criminal ideas, is also the place where the most important events happen.
Seeing that is cities people are full of problems and they suffer an stressful lifestyle, my opinion in that in the country you can enjoy the silence and learn methods to be self-suficient or survive in case you have a problem. For this amount of reasons my conclusion is that cities can turn crazy our minds so the best solution is the country.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3rd term,
post 2term,
your say
diumenge, 18 d’abril del 2010
Informal letter
RoSER Catalán
Dear parents
I'm still helping many people perhaps in the poorest country in Africa. Seeing that last monday I knew a clever doctor who suggested me to contribute in this terrible situation without benefits, I was wasted some time thinking about the cause.
Firstly I thought that it would be a crazy thing, however the next morning, after I was seen many disasters, I was decided to help the huge quantity of African guys who don't have food or anything in their houses.
On account of these people are working so hard, there are other type of people who waste the time looking after the children who are working in the land. I really think that there are an amount of reasons to help this kind of people. Besides, they have another problem that is the drought because of the clymathe.
For some of these reasons I propose you to coming here next year in order that I have someone to talk and explain my feelings.
In addition, among the african farmers I knew a witty guy who wasn't been teached before. After a week in my house he explained to me his challenge that consists on build a sophisticated machine that can produce energy in the safary small villages so that they can have light.
As a result, the main objective is that this project will be approved by the Europe tecnicians. I hope we will met in a short period of time.
Friedich Nietzsche
RoSER Catalán
Dear parents
I'm still helping many people perhaps in the poorest country in Africa. Seeing that last monday I knew a clever doctor who suggested me to contribute in this terrible situation without benefits, I was wasted some time thinking about the cause.
Firstly I thought that it would be a crazy thing, however the next morning, after I was seen many disasters, I was decided to help the huge quantity of African guys who don't have food or anything in their houses.
On account of these people are working so hard, there are other type of people who waste the time looking after the children who are working in the land. I really think that there are an amount of reasons to help this kind of people. Besides, they have another problem that is the drought because of the clymathe.
For some of these reasons I propose you to coming here next year in order that I have someone to talk and explain my feelings.
In addition, among the african farmers I knew a witty guy who wasn't been teached before. After a week in my house he explained to me his challenge that consists on build a sophisticated machine that can produce energy in the safary small villages so that they can have light.
As a result, the main objective is that this project will be approved by the Europe tecnicians. I hope we will met in a short period of time.
Friedich Nietzsche
Etiquetes de comentaris:
informal 2,
We have done it in class,
your say 3 ter
diumenge, 11 d’abril del 2010
Growing Organic products
Sonia David Bridges
London Castelló d' Empúries
Tony Blair street n.7 17486
c/Del Pont
Hi Sonia, I 'm your best friend David I'm in Catalunya growing organic products in an old farm. Every day I work for ten hours without break time in hard condition like in African countries.
Well, I sent you an e-mail last sunday in order to explain the reasons why next summer I won't come back to London, I'm so sorry my dear...Since I'm in the village I have learnt more about organic products than I could have learnt in my life staying in London. Here, people are more friendly that in the cities, everybody knows each other. I don't critizise your family because you are living in the city, nonetheless In Castelló I've never seen a fight or an argument between to people, perhaps because the probability is not the same.
Apart from these human attitudes I have enjoyed much gathering or collecting apples and potatoes. Therefore I propose you to come to Catalunya and forget the stressful lifestyle that you are suffering in London.
As well as desbribe the pictures that I have sent you I'm working too much, however the silence of the nature hasn't got prize. For this amount of reasons I hope that one day we can meet in the village.
I don't obligate you to come, because I know it's a diffcult desicion for you and both options are correct.
With love
David Bridges.
London Castelló d' Empúries
Tony Blair street n.7 17486
c/Del Pont
Hi Sonia, I 'm your best friend David I'm in Catalunya growing organic products in an old farm. Every day I work for ten hours without break time in hard condition like in African countries.
Well, I sent you an e-mail last sunday in order to explain the reasons why next summer I won't come back to London, I'm so sorry my dear...Since I'm in the village I have learnt more about organic products than I could have learnt in my life staying in London. Here, people are more friendly that in the cities, everybody knows each other. I don't critizise your family because you are living in the city, nonetheless In Castelló I've never seen a fight or an argument between to people, perhaps because the probability is not the same.
Apart from these human attitudes I have enjoyed much gathering or collecting apples and potatoes. Therefore I propose you to come to Catalunya and forget the stressful lifestyle that you are suffering in London.
As well as desbribe the pictures that I have sent you I'm working too much, however the silence of the nature hasn't got prize. For this amount of reasons I hope that one day we can meet in the village.
I don't obligate you to come, because I know it's a diffcult desicion for you and both options are correct.
With love
David Bridges.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
informal letter 1,
third term,
dilluns, 5 d’abril del 2010
R.Madrid- Barça

The match arrives, people is excited and both teams are playing an excellent league. They have the same points in the spanish league. However, Real Madrid doesn' t play the Champions League between the week. Barça has a little problem, he'll play against Arsenal on Tuesday the most important competition around Europe.
In Real Madrid there are many players with high quality but in my opinion, even though he is a silly person, Cristiano Ronaldo worry me too much. Yesterday I said to my neighbour and freind Sanz: If in Barça's team plays Henry, the result will be positive. As you know me,you understand my preferences with Thierry Henry. Despite I'm very pessimistic this year, the expierience says me that the referee probably benefit to Madrid. I hope, that Real Madrid will play the next few matches without help so It would be more interesting.
Now I will talk about my own lineup. Firstly I think that the goalkeepers there would be Casillas and Victor Valdés if there isn't any problem. Maybe in the right will play the most silly famous person that I have seen in TV Sergio Ramos, in the middle Garay and Metzelder and in teh left Marcelo the brasilian guy. The middfiels there will be Van der Vaart, Lassane Diarra and Gago. The high quality is in the three goalkeepers, on the right I'm sure that will be play Cristiano Ronaldo, on the left Kaka' and in the middle Higuaín who I hate.
In Barça's team there will play Dani alves, Puyi, Piqué and Abidal, the middfielers could be Xavi, Inesta and Kieta. Moreover Yaya Touré was injure himself. In spite of Pedro I hope that Thierry Henry plays. The others must be Ibrahimovic and Messi.
An hour before de match, next saturday the bars will be empty of nervous, and there will be sparks in the street. This match paralize milions of persons, including people who normally don't still spanish league. In my opinion the result will be 1-1 with a lot of oportunities in both teams, this result would benefit Barça because in the first match in Barcelona, Real Madrid lost 1-0.
Well, I hope that will be an excellent and interesting match without fights and unjuries and more fair play. ;)
dimecres, 17 de març del 2010
Tiger decline is 'sign of world's failure'

Tiger numbers are continuing to fall. Organised crime rings are increasing part in illegal trading of tiger parts. Also interpol is working to track the internationatl trade. The decline is seen in the most poor countries. These are some sentences that experts have said about this issue. "If we use tiger numbers as a performance indicator, then we must admit that we have failed miserably and that we are continuing to fail,"
"Although the tiger has been prized throughout history, and is a symbol of incredible importance in many cultures and religions, it is now literally on the verge of extinction."
Even though government agencies including police and customs needed to step up efforts to combat the illegal trade, there are many countries who don't respect the animals, for example China and other Asian countries are the principal consumers of tiger parts.
It is said that China is a big treath to the wild animals. The tiger product trade, and to ensure that breeding operations are "consistent with the conservation of wild populations".
Etiquetes de comentaris:
news BBC,
YOUR SAY 2cnd term
divendres, 5 de març del 2010
Presentation: 7
I agree with my classmates who think that, that day I was too nervous, because I didn't prepare it enough maybe... But for my surprise It was been better than I was thought in a first moment. However, finally I decided to do it, as a result, too many stops. My other problem was that I didn't see the people, perhaps because If I had seen them, I would have been too nervous.
Body language: 7
Well, my levels in English didn't let me to use high vocabulary, however I used the specific words about my research issue like reactive plaster, needle and others. In general good, but I think it would be better.
Structure: 7
Sincerely, the order of explanation was the correct, but instead the video I could have broght the material to pick up myself for example to explain better the method which diabetics still everyday. Definitely I have a 7 too in this part because I think I could have done different.
Content: nearly 30
Here it doesn't depends on my the mark, because maybe there were a variety of opinions about content. It depends on every person and if he likes the topic.
Language: 14
In my opinion I never use high language like other classmates, and it is a problem because in this case if I don't learn high vocabulary I won't improve my level and instead of good marks there will be normal marks. However, before every oral presnetation I revise the links.
Well in this apart a lot of people have problems except natives and other good students. I don't have a matture pronunciation yet but I think it was good than other times. Sonia said me the words that I didn't said good and If my memory doesn't lie me, they are "hereditary", "issue", "characterized" and "prova" thats it is prove or test.
To conclude, maybe I put myself a high mark, but in my opinion the oral was better than the first.
Sorry people, for the moment I don t put the video but I am trying to do it.
I agree with my classmates who think that, that day I was too nervous, because I didn't prepare it enough maybe... But for my surprise It was been better than I was thought in a first moment. However, finally I decided to do it, as a result, too many stops. My other problem was that I didn't see the people, perhaps because If I had seen them, I would have been too nervous.
Body language: 7
Well, my levels in English didn't let me to use high vocabulary, however I used the specific words about my research issue like reactive plaster, needle and others. In general good, but I think it would be better.
Structure: 7
Sincerely, the order of explanation was the correct, but instead the video I could have broght the material to pick up myself for example to explain better the method which diabetics still everyday. Definitely I have a 7 too in this part because I think I could have done different.
Content: nearly 30
Here it doesn't depends on my the mark, because maybe there were a variety of opinions about content. It depends on every person and if he likes the topic.
Language: 14
In my opinion I never use high language like other classmates, and it is a problem because in this case if I don't learn high vocabulary I won't improve my level and instead of good marks there will be normal marks. However, before every oral presnetation I revise the links.
Well in this apart a lot of people have problems except natives and other good students. I don't have a matture pronunciation yet but I think it was good than other times. Sonia said me the words that I didn't said good and If my memory doesn't lie me, they are "hereditary", "issue", "characterized" and "prova" thats it is prove or test.
To conclude, maybe I put myself a high mark, but in my opinion the oral was better than the first.
Sorry people, for the moment I don t put the video but I am trying to do it.
dijous, 18 de febrer del 2010
Who loves nature?

Nobody respects the environment so there will be a serious problem in the next few years. Unfortunately there are only the 20 per cent ofrenewable energy. Also people contribute to increase the air pullution with the exhaust fumes. These attitudes can produce the climate change and consequently the species will be die out.
From my point of view Acid rain is the worst problem which damage the buildings and the other species of animals.
Even though people can damage the habitats the ozone layer, in developing countries the pollution is smaller than developed countries. For example we couldn't imageine the high quantity of harmful chemicals or the smogs which produce the USA factories.
Menawhile, people don't respect the environtment. In my family we are farmers but is not exactly the same I respect nature each moment moreover I love pictures from the National Geographic about the wild animals, the beatiful rainsforests in Japan, the waterfulls, the deserts, different cultures people. I really love it!
Whereas when I go to Barcelona I become very sad when I see the smogs the main reason why in this city rains so often. It produces acid rain which destroys calacarian buildings. To reduce pollution would I advice to discuss people the problems and then I hope the efforts of Greenhouse effect will change these narrow minds of the unrespectable people.
It's an important challenge so I think everybody would like to wake up in the sun with their partnets, or going to a picknic in the forest with thier families or enjoy the silence of a waterfull in the middle of a rainforest alone. Who doesn't love it?
Please respect the nature! ;) Byee
dilluns, 15 de febrer del 2010
Ronaldo returns

The last weekend the strongest player of the spanish league Crsitiano Ronaldo returned scoring two goals in Xerez home. He returned after injure a Malaga player two weeks ago. Ronaldo who has a sitty attitude, in the point of view of the people everytime played satisfactory this saturday. In my opinion he grew up in a poor family and he hasn't got the culture that have other players so usually he is ridiculous.
Sometimes, when the people ask him who is the best player of the world he only talks about himself.
I'm completely agree with most of people who say that he is an untrue and immature player already. For the moment he doesn't show the elegance or the education tipycal for a proffesional football player. Even though his attitudes is an excellent forward and he scores every match.
I'm sure that many people think like me about Cristiano. However, his shoots often do an strange movement which desconcetrate the goalkeepers. I wish for the chance of Barça that he doesn't improve his level in the next matches so is too dangerous. I hope he will injured for a long timee (I'm sorry)!
dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010
The fear of selectivity

Why nearly nobody fails?
Every year people who arrives to June without feeling one subject have a short period of time to prepare the PAU tests to go to the university. However the reason why I'm talking about this issue is because I don't understand why only fail it few people. Many people said it isn't too difficult but in that moment with the nervous everything is possible.
For the moment I can't imagine that day, and when I try to do that I become very worried. I know I am worried everytime XD but is how I am!
So I hope won't have any problems one of the most important days of my short life.
Basically there are only two subjects which worry me too much, they are English and Phylosophy so I hope to prepare myself hard. Moreover, chemistry which isn't easy is very umpredictable subeject with a coupple of strange exercices. I talk to my parents, however they don't rely on me. Normally for the Batxillerat exams I only sleep five hours nearly if I don't prepare it before consequently I don't imagine the afternoon before the selectivity exam.
In the tests we will do five subjects minimum and eight maximum, three of them of private election. Even thouhg poeple are very shy I know that if I don't study one month before I won't pass the exams. I don't understand why people said me that I'm very pessimistic but I am realistic.
Another subject which worries me a lot is Earth Science because is only for people who have a clever mind.
I think the exams will do in IES Ramon Muntaner in the centre of Figueres a nice place to do this type of exams. In general I should write more letters to and try to enjoy the authors of Phylosophy.
dissabte, 6 de febrer del 2010
Chemistry failure

"I can't believe it"
Everybody who are doing chemstry this year don't understand why they have failed the exams everytime. A lot of days before the chemistry exams I began to study hard so my classmates think that I am going to have a good marks but, of course it doesn't matter the hours that you are studying. The most important condition is listening the teacher and then study hard in your house two or three days after the exam, be concentrate and never become worry, it's difficult.
However, I am stilling these conditions also I go to extraschool center with a girl who helps my much but the result is the same every exam, a four or a three.
Afterwards I suffer the consequences like think everymoment in chmestry or have fear to chemstry, be worry.
For the moment, in batxillerat I haven't passed an exam of chemstry in the first time yet. Many persons of my classe suffer this problems with the chemistry, for example Robin ;)my Got! and his favourite sentence when he see the exams: Ohhh Snaap!! I think her meaning is " I'm sure that I will fail"
Even though I have serious problems with this subject I don't hate it so in the next few years problably will be an important subject for my student life. I won't do chemistry, of course too work for me, but the majority of students of the second of batxillerat need it because the will do similar subjects in the university.
Despite there are other persons like Nil, Oriol, Júlia, Clàudia that have and excellent level, they understand the chemistry. I would like have this easily for all of subjects. I'm not fall in love with my classmates but I know the wonderfull task that thay are doing.
My performance is not enough in many subjects so I am very worried for the selectivity because I know without extraschool help I won't pass the exam.
Now we are doing acid-base reactions I like it so I wish to pass the next prove although I have a bad record in the last retake exam when I had a 9,2 as a result a 5of course.
Often I ask to my classmates what they are think about the failure in this subject they say that it depends on the way of the study simply. For my it's difficult so i decided that is the last year or second to last that I do chemistry.
To conclude I think that I should change my studystyle as soon as possible and then I could pass the majority of them.
Good luck! ;)
dimarts, 19 de gener del 2010
Sumatra's Banda Aceh tsunami
It should have been enough with an sms!!
Five years ago there was an impressive and giant wave which finished with two thousand and eight hundred lifes.
Four hours before the tsunami, in the Somàlia Coast there was a little earthquake.
Moreover there were a lot of litosphere plaques movements. Nobody has warned the situation to developing Pacific countries like Sumatra, Java and Sri Lanka.
Afterwards, four and a half hours later, there were many high waves of 30 metres. Even though people knew the possibility of these disasters in that area, this tsunami appear without warning. Consequently thousands of poeple died.
If only the emergency system had warned of the dangerous tsunami I am compltely sure the evacuation of the zone should have been the solution.
I hope the next time, the emergency people who win a salary, will warn the danger.
Although, If this people don't warm the popullation, I will never listen the warnings and I will do what I want in that case.
Poeple said that the origin was an earthquake in the middle of the Indic sea. This earthquake produced the change in the waters, furthermore the tsunamis, japanese name that it's means destructive hid wave.
To sum up, the majority of people who died in the tsunami weren't warned to the possibility of the phenomen.
One of the biggest mistakes of the humanity.
Five years ago there was an impressive and giant wave which finished with two thousand and eight hundred lifes.
Four hours before the tsunami, in the Somàlia Coast there was a little earthquake.
Moreover there were a lot of litosphere plaques movements. Nobody has warned the situation to developing Pacific countries like Sumatra, Java and Sri Lanka.
Afterwards, four and a half hours later, there were many high waves of 30 metres. Even though people knew the possibility of these disasters in that area, this tsunami appear without warning. Consequently thousands of poeple died.
If only the emergency system had warned of the dangerous tsunami I am compltely sure the evacuation of the zone should have been the solution.
I hope the next time, the emergency people who win a salary, will warn the danger.
Although, If this people don't warm the popullation, I will never listen the warnings and I will do what I want in that case.
Poeple said that the origin was an earthquake in the middle of the Indic sea. This earthquake produced the change in the waters, furthermore the tsunamis, japanese name that it's means destructive hid wave.
To sum up, the majority of people who died in the tsunami weren't warned to the possibility of the phenomen.
One of the biggest mistakes of the humanity.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
post 2term,
your say
dilluns, 18 de gener del 2010
Cupid's Chemistry

There are a lot of couples who think that are atrracted for the physically condition or the character, however scientists demonstrate that it isn't correct. Arthur Arun discover that people were atrracted in the majority of situations for the language, eye contact and tone of voice. He propossed an interesting experiment; share your feelings with someone during two minutes, curiously, the result is the same with everybody, the effects of adrenalin are too emotionals and people feel closer.
Imagine a dangerous place or an extrem situation. The power of fear are bigger than everything. Love contains 3 phases, the first called interest which contains romantic signals, second the attraction when we feel sprung, the reason? the substances of our bodies that produce a different mental reactions like fear, appetite...
But after two years, these mental effects diminish and is a difficult phase for many couples, however today exist an stimulant substance called chocolate which helps your health in this extreme case.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
2nd term,
extra or post,
your say
dimarts, 12 de gener del 2010
formal letter
C/ Vilabertran 11
Castelló d'Empúries
12th January 2010
Climate summit organizers
C/ Queen Elizabeth 12.
George Clooney.
Dear Mr Clooney
We would like to explain to our children the necessity to have a healthy without pollution planet. If they don't listen, they will have the consequences like the climate change, the global warming and other problems which contribute to diminish the quality of their lifes.
First of all, politicians should respect the environment, even though I know this is a difficult task because they have preferences like the economy or the industry whose actions damage the environment.
Secondly, In my point of view we should reduce de factory smogs and explain to the future genenrations the problems of this disaster. I think my personality can contribute to preserve the climate change but as much as the politicians. So in future years I will have more emphazy in this issue to preserve the popullation.
I ' m writing in order to explain that developing countries have less pollution in spite of developed countries who don't respect the environment and they produce big problems like acid rain exhaust fumes and more.
When I am older, I wil try to destroy these antienvironment attitudes.
To conclude, I hope the future generations will respect the planet better than their ancestors, I wonder if they will.
Yours sincerely
Francesc Farrés.
Castelló d'Empúries
12th January 2010
Climate summit organizers
C/ Queen Elizabeth 12.
George Clooney.
Dear Mr Clooney
We would like to explain to our children the necessity to have a healthy without pollution planet. If they don't listen, they will have the consequences like the climate change, the global warming and other problems which contribute to diminish the quality of their lifes.
First of all, politicians should respect the environment, even though I know this is a difficult task because they have preferences like the economy or the industry whose actions damage the environment.
Secondly, In my point of view we should reduce de factory smogs and explain to the future genenrations the problems of this disaster. I think my personality can contribute to preserve the climate change but as much as the politicians. So in future years I will have more emphazy in this issue to preserve the popullation.
I ' m writing in order to explain that developing countries have less pollution in spite of developed countries who don't respect the environment and they produce big problems like acid rain exhaust fumes and more.
When I am older, I wil try to destroy these antienvironment attitudes.
To conclude, I hope the future generations will respect the planet better than their ancestors, I wonder if they will.
Yours sincerely
Francesc Farrés.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
formal letter.,
selelctivitat-type Essays,
diumenge, 10 de gener del 2010
My 2010 Resolutions

This year I want to achiveve a lot of things like pass batxillerat with a mark near 6,5 pass the selectivitat exams and pass the physic proves for enter to INEF, however I have other and more important resolutions for exemple fall in love with anyone( a girl) have a healthy life and know other persons in university if it's possible.
I hope that everybody will be funny although the success is impossible without a diary work and good luck so if you want to achieve your resolutions the only solution is the effort.
I wish my parents buy me a new car this summer if I pass the exam.
Furthermore I wish change my study style for have a better marks also don' t copy the classmates exams like the last year and that the life decide.
From my point of view, I need a different organitzacion for the studies because sometimes I talk to my friends like Nil, Marta and they don't need the same time than me to study the exams, of course every person is different, but I think in this case I have a little problem. I have finished my adventure in football, I'm sad but is necessary this year and this is the only thing that I' m sure that is correct.
Finally I wish you the best luck of the world for this year! Byee :)
Etiquetes de comentaris:
dijous, 7 de gener del 2010
My winter holidays

Hiii poeple! I wish you a happy new year and empty of glory. I know that write a composition in the last day of the holidays it isn' t correct, but I need to explain the worst days of my life. When I see the different activities which Sonia has put in the page I become worried.
Well, the 22th of December when everypeople were happy, I'm sad because the same day I realized a chemestry exam and I thought I was failed it, I was sure.
I thought if I hadn't been nervous in the moment of the exam,
I would have passed the prove without problems but is a typical problem. Eventhough Lluïsa correct the exercises with a low mark, I think in June I will pass the chemestry exam. At the same night I went to dinner in a chinese restaurant in Empuriabrava with my classmates and suddenly I had theetache and I couldn' t ate anything.
At the end of the night we stayed in capitains cabins the Robin's father pub and I had headache. The next day I went to dentist and he explained me what are the thoot of the wisdom. This is the reason for I have suffered my worst christmas holidays. This year the Christmas Day was celebrated in my house and there was a lot of delicious food which I couldn' t ate. Other people ate too much so I think I am the only person who returns to school with fewer weight.
In addition I couldn't drink alcohol because I was taking antibiotics, a big problem because after the exams and research work I needed to drink alcohol and go funny. Afterwards, these days the weather is too boring.
Finally I have decided to finish my football life because I need more time to practise and study and is the only solution. If only I had had better marks now I am more happier. To conclude up I wish have a good luck this year. Byeeee :)
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