dilluns, 25 de maig del 2009

diumenge, 24 de maig del 2009

Reading about oral compositions

Wijam: He talk about obesity, in USA is the most important problem of the people, and in Spain is more than other years. His composition is correct and for my is the best. He speaks of different types of obesity, causes, negative effects and solutions.
Questions: Can you put an example of obes person?
Qualification:Very good!! .

Cristian Perez : He talk about Acid Rain, his chemical processes, the consequences: toxins, cancer, premature deaths, other adverse effects. About solutions: natural gas, electrical transport..
Qualification: Very correct! More than the others!

Joel Murcia: He talk about pig influenza it’s possible to contage, not exist vaccine, appear in Mexico where people take masks. Now the influenza are expanded in 29 countries. 1649 persons in EUA are contaged. Other problems are echonomy for tourists, political problems in China and Mexico, Questions: For how long exist the virus? Qualification: Correct.

Lauren: He talk about a cronic illness call anorexia, statistics, family child abuse, anorexia affects your body, signs of anorexia is medical attention because is a seripous problem. Anorexic people think they are fat. Lauren have a problem with power poin and Marina don’t stayed, but this composition is worked for Lauren.
Qualification: Good.

Sergi and Sandra: They talk about Racism, is a form of discrimantion of the people for different causes. People considere more than other people. It appeared in Europa it menas xenophobia, is a ideology of superiority. Is a believe ideology of racial group. Types of racism: Racial discrimination, institucional racism and economic racism.
Exemples: Nazism, facism, neonazism. In conclusion racism is one thing that our society.
Qualifaication: Good and very good topic.

Arunas: They talk about drought, more effects and the challenges. Drought is time when doesn’ t rain for a long time and the region needs water supply. Africa is the most important region of drought, Himalaya it disappeared in 2035. periods of drought can have a significant environmental.Qualification: Arunas is normal/good.

Albert: He talk about school failure is a social problem which affects every people every year. Spain is a country with a big school failure. Causes, the responsibles aren’t only the boys and girls, are the teachers. Challenges and solutions are get more interesting the class, workmarket. Qualifiacation: Good, very worked.

Xavi: He talk about school bullying, physical assault, coercion such as manipulation.
Effects: risk of suicide, lonelies, depression, discrimination, history of bullying. Types of bullying: school bullying, work bullying and cyber bullying. Options: run, fight, tell a parent or adult. Is very important because create the pression.
Qualification: Normally and an interesting and frequently topic.

dilluns, 11 de maig del 2009

Opinion Essay

I disagree with people who say that we have almost learnt to respect our world. In my opinion people often pollute the world, and now we polluted more than a long time ago.

We still don’ t respect the world in many ways, for example, exhaust fumes, from the motorbikes, electrical appliances like fridges, freezes, sprais, smoke, factories smoke and a lot of different fumes.

I think nowadays people know the ways to keep the world clean but nobody respect them. If we had respect the world before now I ‘ m sure now, we wouldn’ t be talking about it.

In my life I haven’ t experiences any cases of pollution, but sometimes I have seen cases of pollution, for example, Fridasa a meet company near where I live.

In conclusion if everybody was more careful the wolrd would be a cleaner place.