"I can't believe it"
Everybody who are doing chemstry this year don't understand why they have failed the exams everytime. A lot of days before the chemistry exams I began to study hard so my classmates think that I am going to have a good marks but, of course it doesn't matter the hours that you are studying. The most important condition is listening the teacher and then study hard in your house two or three days after the exam, be concentrate and never become worry, it's difficult.
However, I am stilling these conditions also I go to extraschool center with a girl who helps my much but the result is the same every exam, a four or a three.
Afterwards I suffer the consequences like think everymoment in chmestry or have fear to chemstry, be worry.
For the moment, in batxillerat I haven't passed an exam of chemstry in the first time yet. Many persons of my classe suffer this problems with the chemistry, for example Robin ;)my Got! and his favourite sentence when he see the exams: Ohhh Snaap!! I think her meaning is " I'm sure that I will fail"
Even though I have serious problems with this subject I don't hate it so in the next few years problably will be an important subject for my student life. I won't do chemistry, of course too work for me, but the majority of students of the second of batxillerat need it because the will do similar subjects in the university.
Despite there are other persons like Nil, Oriol, Júlia, Clàudia that have and excellent level, they understand the chemistry. I would like have this easily for all of subjects. I'm not fall in love with my classmates but I know the wonderfull task that thay are doing.
My performance is not enough in many subjects so I am very worried for the selectivity because I know without extraschool help I won't pass the exam.
Now we are doing acid-base reactions I like it so I wish to pass the next prove although I have a bad record in the last retake exam when I had a 9,2 as a result a 5of course.
Often I ask to my classmates what they are think about the failure in this subject they say that it depends on the way of the study simply. For my it's difficult so i decided that is the last year or second to last that I do chemistry.
To conclude I think that I should change my studystyle as soon as possible and then I could pass the majority of them.
Good luck! ;)
2 comentaris:
Hello Fran!
You’re always so worried about exams! I believe you’re studying very hard, not only for chemistry. So don’t have such a pessimistic view, you’ll see you pass chemistry!
Don’t give it up; your efforts will surely be rewarded!
Good luck for you too for the next exams!
CU in class
Hi boy!
Calm! We haven't got the problem, you and everybody knows who is the problem. ;)
I believe Chemistry is the worst subject but because "la ve..a", you know, she can't be a teacher because she doesn't know how to explain anything. She knows a lot but she isn't good when she must to explain it.
Come on, we can do it. (because of QUIMAA!)
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