In my opinion The best oral presentation I have done was made during the trip to London this year with my friend Jake Bridges. There we have many resources which contributed to improve the oral like the red telephone boxes, the taxi cabs. I think is not the same to do an oral in a different location as many poeple have done. I chosed this evidence because is a wonderfull memory which I never forget, the trip to London.
From my point of view the best written evidence is that:
I choosed this written evidence because is one of my last composition this year and I thought it Would be one of my bests accodirng to my level and related to the structure content, vocabulary. I was decided to talk about Descartes because is a philosopher so this subject is one of my preferences. Despite is a diffcult task to study them, is more interesting than many people say. There, I was talked about his thinking way and his point of view in the life.
In conclusion I think the cause which produced an improvement on me is the behaviour of our english teachers who everymoment were adding extra work. This is the correct way to steps to success. Also, my sacrificated task in this language can contribute to increase my marks. Finally I have no doubt that these high marks never couldn't be possible without the support of the teachers. Thank you Sonia for all your efforts ;)
dijous, 13 de maig del 2010
My english progress
I detect a clear improvement in my compositions which are rather correct and structured than last year. In my first document , an e-mail byt the teacher I didn't have enough experience. In the last composition I have done I was decided to talk about René Descartes. In most of our last compositions we can see easily the improvement we have delevoped on occount of the knowledge we recieved by the english teachers in these two years.
The evidence of the differences between both shows that I have learn more about the structure of the compositions. In the first composition I have made by the period of batxillerat I was empty of resources so I was using very poor vocabulary. Many "buts" instead of Nevertheless, however, in spite of, Even though, ...etc. The length of them is also a fact which I have developed, as a result, now I write more paragraphs as well as a better fluence in sonme texts.
In The first oral presentation I was talked about the football world, concretly about the european competitions such as the Champions league, the world cup and more. However now, form my point of view I improved a bit even though I'm still nervous. The last oral, I was talked about my own research work whose topic is the diabetis, one of the horrible sickness. The language I have used is more specificic that in the last year. In this amount of documents I can see a development, of course, with a lot of hours of work diary work, doing the blogger. This is the best way to learn.
The evidence of the differences between both shows that I have learn more about the structure of the compositions. In the first composition I have made by the period of batxillerat I was empty of resources so I was using very poor vocabulary. Many "buts" instead of Nevertheless, however, in spite of, Even though, ...etc. The length of them is also a fact which I have developed, as a result, now I write more paragraphs as well as a better fluence in sonme texts.
In The first oral presentation I was talked about the football world, concretly about the european competitions such as the Champions league, the world cup and more. However now, form my point of view I improved a bit even though I'm still nervous. The last oral, I was talked about my own research work whose topic is the diabetis, one of the horrible sickness. The language I have used is more specificic that in the last year. In this amount of documents I can see a development, of course, with a lot of hours of work diary work, doing the blogger. This is the best way to learn.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
English progress,
final reflection
dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010
'Green' exercise quickly 'boosts mental health'

Once in a while I want to stay alone in a forest or a lake, it produces a specific type of pleasure on me which contibute to boost my mind. Besides, maybe there are many people who look for a hidden location separated of other society.
Healthy doctors just recently said this task is full of benefits to improve the strees situtions. Just five minutes of exercise near a park or a lake can boost mental health. Lastly, researchers looked at evidence was found some improvements on mood and self -esteem.
The research include many different activities like cycling, walking, fishing, farming...
The most effects would seen in only five minutes. We can also go to rural sones where also we can enjoy the nature, the animals and some thing that now are difficult to find.
The posiutive effects were clarly apparent but of a smaller magnitude.
Is evident that now the new trend is the green exercise that in the next few years perhaps will be accepted for most of us. Police recomendations are often discussed to solve the mental health problems so many people prefer relax himself. This is another benefit which produce the nature on the society that shows the magic task it do sometimes.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Last New,
third term
dilluns, 10 de maig del 2010
BBC Sport

Wayne Rooney who is a fantastic player of the "Red Devils", has injured himself playing against Stoke city in the last match of this season that already has finished. Therefore, perhaps Ronney won't go to the next announcement of england's national team. However, his manager Sir Alex Ferguson said that he could be in the next Capello announcement seeing that he thinks the injure isn't too serious.
Even though the injury, Rooney is able to go this summer to South Africa. Besides, he was probably sad because he lost Golden Boot award instead of Drogba who scored two goals more than him.
In my opinion next summer Spanish team will win the Cup, I'm not a patriothic guy so is my own opinion because our national team is full of players who won many trophies and they have more experience than the others.
Related to the people who want the Golden Boot, Leo Messi is on the top with thirty two goals. In fact, there are many people who think Messi is the best of all players, nevertheless I think he is too well talked about on the media, there is too much talk about him being the best player in the world but i think that they go over the top.
In Barça's interests, there are players such as Drogba or Rooney...
dissabte, 8 de maig del 2010
The beekeper
Frankie Simpson
Castelló d' Empúries
17486 7 Rentador street
Dear Laura, Iwas thinking about you since last summer when we were discussing about books and other stories related to the most important agricultors around Catalunya.
I'm interested to explain you a disaster that happened in my village where a beekepere was working a beehive and was attacked by the bees. In spite of the fact that the doctors thought it wasn't dangerous, the beekeper became ill owing to the big quantity of toxic substances that he could have in his stomach.
Furthermore his family not even knew about the disaster so it was terrible. Perhaps yoy want to know exactly how he died therefore now I will explain it to you. He was in the farm, looking for hooney and then, two minutes later he was attacked by twenty worker bees, as a result, his body was completely swolled. Unfortunately in this moment nobody was in the farm so he died in only ten minutes.
Among all the beekepers ten per cent suffer problems of this kind. It was a terrifying ending.
Castelló d' Empúries
17486 7 Rentador street
Dear Laura, Iwas thinking about you since last summer when we were discussing about books and other stories related to the most important agricultors around Catalunya.
I'm interested to explain you a disaster that happened in my village where a beekepere was working a beehive and was attacked by the bees. In spite of the fact that the doctors thought it wasn't dangerous, the beekeper became ill owing to the big quantity of toxic substances that he could have in his stomach.
Furthermore his family not even knew about the disaster so it was terrible. Perhaps yoy want to know exactly how he died therefore now I will explain it to you. He was in the farm, looking for hooney and then, two minutes later he was attacked by twenty worker bees, as a result, his body was completely swolled. Unfortunately in this moment nobody was in the farm so he died in only ten minutes.
Among all the beekepers ten per cent suffer problems of this kind. It was a terrifying ending.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
3erd term,
formal letter.
dijous, 6 de maig del 2010
Opinion essay
Nowadays, there is a tremendous confusion about what the mind-body therapies are among the popullation. Despite there are many hidden healers I think in our country a lot of people believe in this kind of therapies whereas other people say that they are a waste of time. In my opinion, they can produce on someone real benefits related to the relax or concentration.
Firstly, I believe the mind depends only on how we used before. For instance, is not a lie that If you go to a therapy like yoga, you will have a clear mind. However, sometimes we can't achieve our challenges or find pleasure through those therapies.
Besides this is a difficult issue to talk because perhaps there are an amountof different views. Nevertheless, seeing that there aren't hard problems among people who are stilling yoga or relaxation, I conclude this isn't dangerous.
Furthermore, apart from these opinions, many people show that all of us are fortunately full of benefits in this matter. Hopefully, the results are better than anybody could imagine. These type of experiments with our bodies have done in order to finish with our stressful lifestyles. In conclusion, there is no doubt that this kind of therapies contribute to increase the pleasure among all of us.
Firstly, I believe the mind depends only on how we used before. For instance, is not a lie that If you go to a therapy like yoga, you will have a clear mind. However, sometimes we can't achieve our challenges or find pleasure through those therapies.
Besides this is a difficult issue to talk because perhaps there are an amountof different views. Nevertheless, seeing that there aren't hard problems among people who are stilling yoga or relaxation, I conclude this isn't dangerous.
Furthermore, apart from these opinions, many people show that all of us are fortunately full of benefits in this matter. Hopefully, the results are better than anybody could imagine. These type of experiments with our bodies have done in order to finish with our stressful lifestyles. In conclusion, there is no doubt that this kind of therapies contribute to increase the pleasure among all of us.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
last term,
Writing exam
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