dissabte, 7 de novembre del 2009

We are an alcoholic society¿

Some people believe that drink alcohol in parties are a good thing, althought other people think consume drugs like marihuana, haixix are better, it can't be true. From my point of view alcohol isn't a drug in small quantity. For example in last barraques of Girona on the one hand I was drinking a caipirinha with my friends an the other hand another young-aged group of people were smoking marihuana.

Furthermore police mans didn' t control the alcohol movement, they considere that is a small drug, consequently everybody in village parties drink alcohol in the streets. This is a big problem and is the reason of the majority of fights and arguments.

In one sentence we are an alcoholic society. Only yankees or problematic people who live in ghettos, and sometimes rich people take drugs, however everybody drink alcohol. In theory, it is forbidden for undereighteen people, despite bars and pubs sell it alcohol everynight.

In conclusion our society are alcoholic also I agree with people who drink alcohol, I drink it too...

2 comentaris:

Júlia ha dit...

Did you really drink a caipirinha in barraques franki? were did you get that?:O jaja
I agree with you, now everybody starts drinking so young although the law says it is forbidden for undereighten. If you go to any bar and ask for an alcoholic drink they'll normally give it to you without asking you age.
take care!:)

Clàudia ha dit...

How did you get a caipirinha? You must buuy it, musn't you? wooah, I can't believe it.. because in barraQes there are only typical alcohols, like whisky or vodka...
I agree with Julia and you; how many years are we driking alcohol? And nobody controls us except our parents; they're (or they were) always like: don't drink alcohol, take care...
We are nearly overeighteen now.. however, we tasted alcohol years ago.