Who get stressed with research project?
Every day I do an hour of theory in my house also sometimes I do the practic part in the school, which consists on pricking classmates fingers to test the sugar in the blood. The teachers who help me in the project are Susi and Pere Amat.
In my project I talk about diabetis, a dangerous and one of the worst sickness that exist. Anyone who has this illnes , needs insuline every day in their blood.
Diabetics don' t produce insuline and consequently the sugar increase too much. This is a bad problem and it is ireversible. Since I know the problems and dangerous of diabetis my diet is more healthy. Time ago, I went three times aproximately every month to mac Donalds or others fast food places.
Today I pricked the classmates in the english class and Sonia, the english teacher let me. I haven' t finished the practic part yet.In my opinion these days are the worst for everybody because is the serious moment and when everybody have the final exams of the term, projects, oral presentations...
To sum up, I think these winter holidays I will stay in mi house sutdying hard because in my view the marks would be negative. It's better not to know the resolution in my house.
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