1. What are human rights? Human rights are freedoms which humans has entitled.
Include civil, political, liberty, freedom, and equality before the law.
2. When did human rights start? The 10th of December 1948, when the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human rights.
3. Why were they created? They are created by shall strive by teaching education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progreesing preasures.
4. How many human rights are there?
Now there are a lot of human rights, but basically exist 30 articles, which speaks about everthing.
5. Which human right were you not familiar with? I’ m not familiar with a human right of article 15 which said that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality, because I think is not necessary to change the nationality, but sometimes are the correct decisison, for example to go to another country to search work.
6. Choose one human right and discuss:
Article 17.
(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
- Is it fully respected in your country today? Justify with news, comments, studies on the subject (cite the links of your information sources)
The majority of poeple think this human right has respected, but in Spain the Govern, sometimes still you, for example my father have a property in Empuriabrava and the govern, still them and they build another edifications. I think is this case the govern don’t respect the human rights of my father.
- Do you know if it has been respected in the past? Why or why not?
I ‘m not sure what happened in the past, but I think a lot of time ago, people didn’ t respect anything and they ocuped the private property. Near 1400 after Crist , the Govern had the majority of propertis and stoll the others. They didn’t respect the property for enrich their families. If the govern or rich people didn’t stoll things, they wouldn’ t be rich and famous.
-Where in the world is this right not complied with? Check here
Actually I think in most African, south American and Asian countries this right of private property don’t respect. Often, I see in TV news cases of ocupation of the private property for soldiers or important people. Basically the places are poor countries.
7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today? Of course why? Human Rights are relevant and the most important thing which is before the law, but sometimes there are a lot of people who don’ t respect them. However in the future this situacion will change and the people respect the rights more than now.
8. Participate on Facebook: Join the Human Rights Campaign on FB and comment on 2 campaigns/news they have been involved.
9. Discussion essay( to be done in class): Should Human Rights be enforced by law or optional?
Today, who doesn 't respect human rights?. This is an important issue because the Human Rights are coherent reasons but they be enfored by law?
Obvioulsy the law shuold be enforced the Human Rights, but is normal too that the govern still with the law. It is a well-known fact that people don ‘t understand.
On the one hand, Human Rights should be enforced by law consequently everybody would respect them. Some people would argue that If the law would be serious, the result would be the correct, better than before. Other thing that is the most important thing is the law punish who doesn’ t respect them.
In contrast, is better than Human rights would be optionals, because everybody is different and have a different opinions and viewpoints, and the law doesn’ t matter.
However, most of times the law doesn’t punish who doesn ‘t respect anything.
The law only create problems and the option is the best solution.
Personally, I believe that the Human rights should be enforced optional, because everybody is different and have a different view of his rights, and the govenrment which put the laws sometimes still and don’ t respect our human rights.