It should have been enough with an sms!!
Five years ago there was an impressive and giant wave which finished with two thousand and eight hundred lifes.
Four hours before the tsunami, in the Somàlia Coast there was a little earthquake.
Moreover there were a lot of litosphere plaques movements. Nobody has warned the situation to developing Pacific countries like Sumatra, Java and Sri Lanka.
Afterwards, four and a half hours later, there were many high waves of 30 metres. Even though people knew the possibility of these disasters in that area, this tsunami appear without warning. Consequently thousands of poeple died.
If only the emergency system had warned of the dangerous tsunami I am compltely sure the evacuation of the zone should have been the solution.
I hope the next time, the emergency people who win a salary, will warn the danger.
Although, If this people don't warm the popullation, I will never listen the warnings and I will do what I want in that case.
Poeple said that the origin was an earthquake in the middle of the Indic sea. This earthquake produced the change in the waters, furthermore the tsunamis, japanese name that it's means destructive hid wave.
To sum up, the majority of people who died in the tsunami weren't warned to the possibility of the phenomen.
One of the biggest mistakes of the humanity.
dimarts, 19 de gener del 2010
dilluns, 18 de gener del 2010
Cupid's Chemistry

There are a lot of couples who think that are atrracted for the physically condition or the character, however scientists demonstrate that it isn't correct. Arthur Arun discover that people were atrracted in the majority of situations for the language, eye contact and tone of voice. He propossed an interesting experiment; share your feelings with someone during two minutes, curiously, the result is the same with everybody, the effects of adrenalin are too emotionals and people feel closer.
Imagine a dangerous place or an extrem situation. The power of fear are bigger than everything. Love contains 3 phases, the first called interest which contains romantic signals, second the attraction when we feel sprung, the reason? the substances of our bodies that produce a different mental reactions like fear, appetite...
But after two years, these mental effects diminish and is a difficult phase for many couples, however today exist an stimulant substance called chocolate which helps your health in this extreme case.
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your say
dimarts, 12 de gener del 2010
formal letter
C/ Vilabertran 11
Castelló d'Empúries
12th January 2010
Climate summit organizers
C/ Queen Elizabeth 12.
George Clooney.
Dear Mr Clooney
We would like to explain to our children the necessity to have a healthy without pollution planet. If they don't listen, they will have the consequences like the climate change, the global warming and other problems which contribute to diminish the quality of their lifes.
First of all, politicians should respect the environment, even though I know this is a difficult task because they have preferences like the economy or the industry whose actions damage the environment.
Secondly, In my point of view we should reduce de factory smogs and explain to the future genenrations the problems of this disaster. I think my personality can contribute to preserve the climate change but as much as the politicians. So in future years I will have more emphazy in this issue to preserve the popullation.
I ' m writing in order to explain that developing countries have less pollution in spite of developed countries who don't respect the environment and they produce big problems like acid rain exhaust fumes and more.
When I am older, I wil try to destroy these antienvironment attitudes.
To conclude, I hope the future generations will respect the planet better than their ancestors, I wonder if they will.
Yours sincerely
Francesc Farrés.
Castelló d'Empúries
12th January 2010
Climate summit organizers
C/ Queen Elizabeth 12.
George Clooney.
Dear Mr Clooney
We would like to explain to our children the necessity to have a healthy without pollution planet. If they don't listen, they will have the consequences like the climate change, the global warming and other problems which contribute to diminish the quality of their lifes.
First of all, politicians should respect the environment, even though I know this is a difficult task because they have preferences like the economy or the industry whose actions damage the environment.
Secondly, In my point of view we should reduce de factory smogs and explain to the future genenrations the problems of this disaster. I think my personality can contribute to preserve the climate change but as much as the politicians. So in future years I will have more emphazy in this issue to preserve the popullation.
I ' m writing in order to explain that developing countries have less pollution in spite of developed countries who don't respect the environment and they produce big problems like acid rain exhaust fumes and more.
When I am older, I wil try to destroy these antienvironment attitudes.
To conclude, I hope the future generations will respect the planet better than their ancestors, I wonder if they will.
Yours sincerely
Francesc Farrés.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
formal letter.,
selelctivitat-type Essays,
diumenge, 10 de gener del 2010
My 2010 Resolutions

This year I want to achiveve a lot of things like pass batxillerat with a mark near 6,5 pass the selectivitat exams and pass the physic proves for enter to INEF, however I have other and more important resolutions for exemple fall in love with anyone( a girl) have a healthy life and know other persons in university if it's possible.
I hope that everybody will be funny although the success is impossible without a diary work and good luck so if you want to achieve your resolutions the only solution is the effort.
I wish my parents buy me a new car this summer if I pass the exam.
Furthermore I wish change my study style for have a better marks also don' t copy the classmates exams like the last year and that the life decide.
From my point of view, I need a different organitzacion for the studies because sometimes I talk to my friends like Nil, Marta and they don't need the same time than me to study the exams, of course every person is different, but I think in this case I have a little problem. I have finished my adventure in football, I'm sad but is necessary this year and this is the only thing that I' m sure that is correct.
Finally I wish you the best luck of the world for this year! Byee :)
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dijous, 7 de gener del 2010
My winter holidays

Hiii poeple! I wish you a happy new year and empty of glory. I know that write a composition in the last day of the holidays it isn' t correct, but I need to explain the worst days of my life. When I see the different activities which Sonia has put in the page I become worried.
Well, the 22th of December when everypeople were happy, I'm sad because the same day I realized a chemestry exam and I thought I was failed it, I was sure.
I thought if I hadn't been nervous in the moment of the exam,
I would have passed the prove without problems but is a typical problem. Eventhough Lluïsa correct the exercises with a low mark, I think in June I will pass the chemestry exam. At the same night I went to dinner in a chinese restaurant in Empuriabrava with my classmates and suddenly I had theetache and I couldn' t ate anything.
At the end of the night we stayed in capitains cabins the Robin's father pub and I had headache. The next day I went to dentist and he explained me what are the thoot of the wisdom. This is the reason for I have suffered my worst christmas holidays. This year the Christmas Day was celebrated in my house and there was a lot of delicious food which I couldn' t ate. Other people ate too much so I think I am the only person who returns to school with fewer weight.
In addition I couldn't drink alcohol because I was taking antibiotics, a big problem because after the exams and research work I needed to drink alcohol and go funny. Afterwards, these days the weather is too boring.
Finally I have decided to finish my football life because I need more time to practise and study and is the only solution. If only I had had better marks now I am more happier. To conclude up I wish have a good luck this year. Byeeee :)
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