In Catalunya, the exams are more difficult than other parts of Spain. In my opinion, doing catalan language is much more difficult than the majority of languages.
First of all, there are a lot of words which people have problems. In addition, the marks of people who went to catalan centers of Batxillerat are better than the other Spanish parts, this is not a coincidence.
Secondly, a lot of people who begins batxillerat, later they failed them and it's too difficult because only point the exams. Furthermore, poeple who have doing scientifics are very stressed every day. Maths, chemestry,... and others.
To sum up, I think that the exams are excessive and very difficults, if anyone studied the last day before the exam, he will probably fail the exam.
Is a substance for the students and is intensly for hours and is for stressed students, is also easy to get. My opinion is this people don't tink about this topic because is a legal drug but it produce tremors, stroke and heart problems. Is a drug which is no accept for other people and it have a good sesion for examns and estrés. I think in the university poeple don' t consume drugs, but is not really. I think marihuana or THC is the more normal drug.
One day, if it' s possible I want to go to Australia, and visit the animals who lives in the forests, the sharks, dangerous snakes in zoo' s and there are a lot of spiders like black widow and others. But the animals who is the most dangerous is a small medusse who lives in suoth- est cosasts of Australia. Curiously, five or six years ago, when the Olympics was in Sidney, the aquatic prove was impossible to realize in the sea because at three hundred meters of coast were white sharks. This anectodh shaw the dangerous land where I' m talking about.
There are funny animals like kangaroos, the center of Australia is infested by kangaroos and Koalas. The original inhabitants of Australia were Aborigines a black race which has probably lived 40.000 years ago. Australia was discovered for the Portuguese in the sexteenth century, and then it was explored for various european nations like Dutch, French until in the eighteenth century James Cook clained the continent for the Britsh Crow. In 1901 the diferent british colonies like South Wales, Tasmania... started the modern existence and created the federation in 1901.
Because is an old area, have an original wildlife with animals like kangaroos, Koala Bears and prehistoric animals. People who lives in Australia have a nomandic lifestyle. Aborigines people every moment were scape for white people and Darwinian theories assumed the Aborigines had not culture. I think is an interesting country and althought is the most dangerous of the world I will go because there are a lot of animals like white sharks, cocodriles, meduses...Impressive.