Wijam: He talk about Japan, the geographic situation of the Japanese Islands, he talk about the Mount Fuji Sant, lakes, t’ sunamis, the culture.
His composition is correct, but the problem is he talk in catalan two times.
Finally he talk about his experience in Japan.
Questions: Which places did you visit?
Qualification: Good.
Cristian Perez : He talk about USA, Hollywood, persons like Kobe Bryant, George Bush. Tlak about the geography of the states of USA. He talk about fast food and drink and things for visit: The white House, Statue of Liberty, Hollywood, Golden Gate Bridge, Las Vegas. He talk about saint days, and the music of USA: Folk, Punk, R&B, Rap.
He talk about Eminem and put a funny video of Eminem.
Questions: Did you stay in USA?
Qualification: very good
Joel Murcia: He talk about Alaska, his situation in the world, he explain different places: Mc Kinley mountain, Boreal Down, River Yukon. He talk about economy, the construction, oil, the climate of the zone: 30-50 grades. Talk about the culture.
Questions: How many tribes there weren’ t in Alaska?
Qualification: Correct, very worked.
Lauren: He talk about Canadà, about the climate, the causes of gas emitions, the industries, the gas accumulated in the athmosphera. Quality of life, population, religion, economy. Lauren have a problem with pictures, but this composition is worked.
Qualification: Good.
Belinda and Sandra: They talk about Scotland, the localitzation in the world, is in the part of Great Britain, capital is Edinburg, Scottish music, the most important instrument is bagpipe. The Scottish highland dances, places for visit: Edinburg castle, Craig Millar Castle, and Edinburg zoo. The lach Ness Monster- Monster since 1932 in the lach Ness.
Is a big creature. They talk about Scottish food: Bannacks, Haggis and Black Bun, and talk about the Scottish drink: Scottish beers, Scottish Whisky and Hot Roddy.
Qualification: Excellent Snadra, normal-good Belinda.
Anna and Arunas: They talk about Ireland: Anna talk about Geography and different Islands, Arunas talk about the Reconquist of Ireland, the horror century, the official language, the Irish traditions, for example colour black. Instruments are: Flute, accordion, Harmonica, Beuzaki ( guitar).
Qualification: Anna’s presentation is short and Arunas is normal.
Albert: He talk about Jamaica, the languages, the culture of Jamaica, Languages: Jamaican, brithish, African, Europe, and Asian languages.
Culture: Rastafarian movement, particulary dance and reggae, cannabis legalized. Places for visit: The beaches, the capital Kingston. Is a country with large interest in sport: Cricket, soccer, horse racing, athletics. And well representation at the Olimpies. EX: Usain Bolt. The music of Jamaica is Bob Marley, Rockstead, ska and Reggae, Albert like Ska. 1950 origin in Jamaica the Skatelites. The food of Jamaica is a good mixture of African, European, Indian and Chinese cuisines.Qualifiacation: Excellent.
Xavi: He talk about United Kingdom. There are 61 milion people. The population is very mixed: White, black, mixed race, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese.
The culture, he talk about the colours of the UK flat and the reason why are blue ¡, red and white.
He talk about music, there was a crazy movement on the 1960-1970. Her prefer group is The Beattles.
Xavi talk about football, for he Liverpool is the best and he loves the song of Liverpool: You’ ll never walk alone.
Qualification: Normally.
Sergi: Sergi talk about Sidney, is the capital of Australia.
And he recommend places for visit:
Sidney Opera House.Sidney Harbor Bridge was built in 1932. Is the first bridge of Australia. The Rocks, a museum of Contemporanian Art, there are shops, galleries…
In Sidney there are more of fifty beaches and there is a Chinatown.
He talk about Paddington and University, a gallery of New south Wales, The Royal Botanic gardens and Hide and Central park.