dimecres, 26 de novembre del 2008
dissabte, 8 de novembre del 2008
Thirteen & Adrian Mole

Tracy' s a good student a decent girl and afterwards she is a rebel adolescent who uses drugs, cuts herself and is sexually promiscuous. The fault of this change is Evie Zamora and Tracy because Tracy's mother doesn' t realize of this change. Tracy at the begining is jelaous of Evie because Evie's the best girl of school. Tracy makes like this because Evie is a bad girl. Evie isn't a good model to Tracy. For me this isn't Adrian Mole's next step. The difference is that in Adrian Mole the story is for a teenage boy and his typical life, and he doesn't take drugs, or cuts himself, and in Thirteen the girls are sexually promiscuous and they are crazy. I know live someone who same experiences but this people are problematic. I don't know anything similar of girls in film Thirteen, I don't drug and never cut myself. Tracy is a fashion victim because he has influence of other crazy girl. The problem in the house of Tracy is that her father is not there and her mother stay with a drug person and Tracy's hates it. The film is very shocking. The most shocking film for me is Diamantes de Sangre.
dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2008

Is a very good film but i don' t understant this tittle. Tracy is a young girl of thirteen years and she and his family live in small house in United States. Her brother is rapper and in school Evie Zamora is the best girl. Tracy one day meet whit Evie in a clothes shop and they still very much money to a person. The mother of Evie is a fucker and she is cool. Evie and Tracy was snorting drug. At finally of the film the mother of Tracy discovered the money robed and drug and she is very woory.
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