dimecres, 28 de gener del 2009

Should the experiments on human life have limits?

I think that experiments have limits because, they arrived at point to destroy people. Actually experiments are correct for a lot of people, for example in dermoestthetic corporation people correct their bodys. Sometimes experiments are bad and horrible like Victor Frankenstein monster. Often experiment are dangerous for people.
I became agree with experiments because I have a strange skin and experiments correct him, experiments are a mistic method for healthy life. Experiments are good because when are correct it's incredible and fascinable. Finally I think the experiments are the best method for a new life.
I explain the reason why I think the experiments aren't good for the people, because are very dangerous, are very expensives and often don't do efect.

In my opinion, the experiments are a good form of spend the money but sometimes are incorrect and expensive. Doctors are experts and they doing the experiment in yout body.

Frankenstein The differences between a book and a film

The piece about the sledge doesn't appear in the film. In the film Victor Frankenstein arrive on something but another sledge. In the film the criature kill haskeys but in the book it doens' t mention. Frankenstein's mother in the film died giving birth but in the book I think she died from an illness. And mother in film doesn't speak with Elizabeth and Victor about the marriage. In film people contacted colera but in the book it doesn't happened. In book professor Waldman died but in the film a killer put the knife in her stomach and kill him. In the book family of the forest live in a hut, but in the film doesn't live in this place. In the film, criature kill Elizabeth took his heart but in the book, monster strangled Elizabeth. Justine in the film was strangled for the village but in the book died in prison. In the film there is a woman monster but in the book not exist a woman monster.

dijous, 22 de gener del 2009

Indian it disagrees news BBC

Mr Miliband
India say it disagrees with UK foreign secretary David Miliband's comments liking Mumbai to the kashmir dispute, - but has played down any diplomatic row.
Pranab Mukherjee said that the issue was now a closed chapter. Delhi believes Mumbai attacks have little to do with Kashmir's insurgency.
Miliband's comments on Kashmir had let to a swift uncharacteristicaly sharp respone from Delhi.
The Indian prime minister's office denied Indian media reports that Manmohanhad write a letter for his british counterpart, Gordon Brown complain about MR Miliband's comment. Delhi wants pressure in Islamabad to destroy groups were behind the violence.

Vocabulary: Insurgency: Sublevació.
Pressure: Pressió.
Foreign: Estranger.

DR CONGO, A land of greased palms

In Congo, people can't get a job. In most countries around the world, someone with skills make him highly employable but not in the DR Congo. In Congo the war is a normal thing, the qualities of education are not good enough to get a decent job.
A driver of capital Kinshasa it's normally, but later I discovered to my embarrasment, a qualified chemical engineer. He doesn't get a job because he had not greased the right palms. Recently published study explain the anecdotes to roots of corruption.

Vocabulary: Palms: palmell de la mà.
Land: Terra.
Roots: Arrels.

dilluns, 19 de gener del 2009

BBC News Vatican to publish knights templar trial

The vatican publish a document which forgotten in the Pope' s secret archives. Is the account of the trial of the knights Templar of pope Clement V in XIV century. Templar is already a financial success. Collectors from around the world reserved the documents. The Christian military order protected the christian pilgrims from the beginning of cruades. After the recapture of Jerusalem by Muslims of Crusader armies two centuries later, the knights fell on hard times. They initiation ceremonies and Clement V ordered a trial wich partially rehabilitated the knights.

Vocabulary: pilgrims= pelegrins crusades= croades
knights = cavallers

dimarts, 13 de gener del 2009

American pie film Worksheet

Is a very extroverted film , is a comedy and is long. In the film appear sex and money. The topic is American wedding of two studdents of university. Michelle is the girl and is an introvert person. Fint Misters is a crazy and pervert friend of Jean and he prepare the wedding. Is a disaster but Fint Misters help Jean and in finally wedding is correct. Finch is an other friend of Jean and is odd. Finch and Fint compite for sister of Michelle. In my opinion is a funny and impolite film. American Pie is an exemple of the live in America, people are crazy and spectacular. Girls are goo looking and boys are bored because they are ugly. Jean and his friends go to Chicago to search the dress of the the girl Michelle. Fint Misters has doing an homosexual dance in one pub against bearfather, he is a big person who is homosexual. Impressive, Fint Misters help Jean.

In this film I have learnt this words: Wedding= casament. Pervert= pervertid.

Homosexual= gey.