dilluns, 20 d’octubre del 2008

Halloween night in Castelló

Halloween’ s night in Castelló

For Halloween, we run a lot because in Catalunya there aren’ t a typical party. My friend Albert and I decided to go around the village and do trick or trucks.

After the party, we went to a policeman’ s house to do trick or trucks and the door was opened, we were very worried. We went into the house and in the bathroom there was a skeleton from someone. My friends run but the house was close. I was left alone and I decided to phone my brother but she was asleep.

Later, I found Albert in the bed and her blood on the floor. I was very nervous and decided to jump trough the window to the garden,while I was jumping somebody caught me…it was Albert and he was covered in blood.
Behind Albert there was a men with knife and two heads tied in her belt.

We jumped trought the window and went to my house. This night we have nightmare’s and we will never celebrate Halloween in Catalunya again.

The End

dimecres, 15 d’octubre del 2008

My live

Hi my name is Francesc and I’m sixteen years old. The reason why I decide to begin batxillerat is the best option for my future. My father is farmer and my mother is secretary. I don’t like this jobs. I prefer work in a shop of medicine. My hobby is football and my favourite team is Barça. I listen rap music, 50 Cent is the best.
This year I was very worry because batxillerat is very difficult. I has one brother an her name is Roger and he begin this year in the I.E.S Castelló d’ Empúries. Byee!!